Form 1040NR Filing: Deadlines and Extension of Time to comply with IRS requirements. Maria MollerApril 19, 2016
Moving to the United States? Don’t Forget to Tax Plan Pre-Immigration! (PART II) Maria MollerApril 14, 2016
Julio Barbosa Discusses Tax Implications for Foreigners at Entrepreneurship Seminar Maria MollerMarch 15, 2016
Completed your 2015 Return? Here are U.S. Tax Filing Requirements & Deadlines Maria MollerMarch 15, 2016
New Reporting Requirement Affects Cash Real Estate Buyers in Miami-Dade County and Manhattan Maria MollerFebruary 10, 2016
International Monetary Bodies Join in Three Main Reporting and Exchange Initiatives Maria MollerJanuary 26, 2016
Families Engage in Succession Planning to Prevent a Possible Tax Increase Maria MollerNovember 4, 2015
Brazilian Federal Revenue and U.S. Internal Revenue Service Agree to Exchange Information Maria MollerOctober 26, 2015
Julio Barbosa was a guest speaker at Investir USA V Expo Series, in São Paulo 2015 Maria MollerApril 16, 2015