Julio Barbosa was a guest speaker at Investir USA V Expo Series, in São Paulo 2015

On March 17, 2015, Julio Barbosa was a guest speaker at Investir USA V Expo Series, in São Paulo, Brazil. For the third year in a row, Investir USA successfully brought together a panel of experts, who advise individuals and entities in all major fields of U.S. investment.

Julio presented on the tax consequences foreigners face, when investing in real estate in United States. To see his presentation, click here.

Investir USA’s Expos have been taking place for three years, visiting multiple cities within Latin America and Brazil. It is considered “the best place to find US property and investment opportunities.”

The Investir USA Expo has been recognized as the only consistently successful show of its kind. The São Paulo expo featured 27 exhibitors, over 20 sponsors, and 2,557 attendees.

Click the link below to watch a national media clip about the event titled: “Brasileiros estão em 4 lugar no ranking de estrangeiros que mais compram imóveis nos EUA.

Maria Moller